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Blooming Night
钟倍尔 Bell Zhong, 2016

Bell是个二十岁出头的孤独无业青年。有一天,他独自在破旧恶臭的地下通道晃荡,突然瞥到一抹鲜亮的红色——一双女式高跟鞋。被好奇心驱使的他开始跟随这双高跟鞋的主人穿越于上海的各个角落。夜幕降临,红鞋子的主人 进入了一个偏僻的舞厅。倍尔也随之融入。在这里,充满了他从未经历过的群体,红鞋子的真正身份也一点点被揭晓。水晶球旋转,五彩斑斓。男孩内心深处的欲望被逐渐点燃。
The 20-year-old unemployed man Bell accidentally sees a glimpse of red in a underpass - a pair of high heels. Following the steps of the heels, Bell enters a back-alley club. While he blends with a group of people that he's not familiar with, the secret of the red shoes is gradually uncovered. His hidden desire is slowly ignited.
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