Leitis in Waiting
Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson, 2018
USA, Tonga
《汤加可人欢乐多》讲述了Joey MATAELE 和汤加Leitis的故事,汤加Leitis是当地一群勇敢的跨性别女子,她们与这个南太平洋王国里日益兴起的宗教原教旨主义和偏见狭隘搏斗,用意料之外的幽默和意想不到的方式接近了王室成员和宗教领袖,她们的心路历程揭示了传统规训之下,社会中真正与众不同的东西,还有如何在不放弃自我的同时,让自己也被接纳。
Leitis in Waiting is the story of Joey MATAELE and the Tonga leitis, an intrepid group of native transgender women fighting a rising tide of religious fundamentalism and intolerance in their South Paci fic Kingdom. With unexpected humor and extraordinary access to the Kingdom's royals and religious leaders, this emotional journey reveals what it means to be different in a society ruled by tradition, and what it takes to be accepted without forsaking who you are.
Dean HAMER和Joe WILSON是工作上的搭档,也是生活中的伴侣。Dean HAMER是曾获得艾美奖的电影制作人和《纽约时报》年度最佳作者,多年来的作品一直向不同的人群传达着复杂且有争议的观点。Joe WILSON为纪录片导演及制作人,同时也致力于国家发展及人权事业,他与搭档及伴侣Dean HAMER拍摄的短片在网络及有线电视台作为先锋力量触及广泛的受众人群,倡导公民意识及人权,为各地社群和教育机构所用。同时,他们还创立了Qwaves,专门制作为外界人士发声对的纪录片。
Dean HAMER is an Emmy Award winning filmmaker and New York Times Book of the Year author with a long history in communicating complex and controversial ideas to diverse publics. Joe WILSON got involved in documentary filmmaking following a career in international development and human rights. His short films with partner Dean HAMER were part of the pioneering days of citizen-generated content on the Internet and cable television, and have been used as outreach and advocacy tools by a wide range of community and educational organizations. They formed Qwaves to make documentaries that emanate from the voices of those on the outside, that inspire creativity, that incite us to abandon our comfortable role as spectators and compel us to question and to act.