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2019 SHQFF Short Film Section Submission Deadline Extended | 2019上海酷儿影展短片单元征片截止时间延至7月18日





If your masterpiece is still in preparation  and the upcoming deadline concerns you, there is good news: we have decided to extend this year’s SHQFF Shorts submission deadline to July 18th.


SHQFF Shorts has always been an exciting part of Shanghai Queer Film Festival. In the past two years, we have received a large number of excellent works from all over the world and our finalists have received enthusiastic audience responses at the festival. We are looking forward to showcasing a diverse and unique set of films for this year’s SHQFF Shorts.


If your LGBTQIA story is set in Asia or features characters with Asian backgrounds, please submit to the Asian Short Film Competition. If your film is about LGBTQIA experiences but not Asia-themed, please submit your entry to the World Short Film Screening. 


We’re looking forward to seeing your work this summer.



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