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For decades, queer film festivals has made great significance within the queer communities. They continue to build stages for talented filmmakers, and platforms for marginalized queer communities to tell their stories. At the same time, they provides safe spaces for queer people to get to know each other.


Today, how do we define the role queer film festivals play in modern queer life and queer culture? In an era of streaming, what kind of challenges are queer film festivals that are dominated by offline events facing? Under the circumstances where film festivals and cinemas are closing on a global scale under covid, what kind of changes will happen for the future of queer film festivals?

5月19日北京时间晚9点,锁定SHCRAD.IO,由上海酷儿影展的姐妹组织CINEMQ呈现的《酷儿荧屏二三事》直播秀第三期,将与来自上海酷儿影展的创始人与总策展人Ting,与伦敦Queer East影展的创始人与总策展人Yi Wang一起,深度讨论酷儿影展的过去,现在和将来。

At May 19th 9pm, CINEMQ Presents <Queer Screen Chitchat>, Episode III.

Ting, founder and director of Shanghai Queer Film Festival and Yi Wang, founder and head curator of Queer East in London, will take a deep-dive in the past, present and future of queer film festivals.



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