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Film Making Workshop
Supported by Shanghai Vancouver Film School (SHVFS)

SHQFF invites you to an intensive one-day filmmaking workshop at Shanghai Vancouver Film School from 9:30am to 3:30pm.
The morning session will include story build- ing blocks from SHVFS writing instructor Michael Bruce Adams, production design essentials with SHVFS production design lead instructor Dena Skalin, and a directing session with SHVFS directing instructor Peter Marshall.
After a one-hour lunch break we will enter the SHVFS studio for a hands–on workshop session. With the help of cinematography in- structor Eddie Cao, sound instructor Alberto Sanchez Nue and our morning instructors, the afternoon workshop will demonstrate lighting, production design, directing and sound working together in a brief film shoot.
Date & Time: 9/24/2017.
9:30-12:00 - Session 1 第一部分
12:00-13:00 - Lunch Break 午休
Session 2 第二部分
Shanghai Vancouver Film School 上海温哥华电影学院
Screening Room 406 & Studio 404, Teaching Building No. 1,
149 Yanchang Rd
延长路149号,1号教学楼406放 映厅&404工作室