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KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival Presents
KASHISH 2017 Shorts
Naked Wheels 《漂泊的车轮》
Rajesh James, India 印度 , 2016
The film is about the journey undertaken by a diverse group of people across South India in a truck from Kochi to Goa and back. Their journey covers a long distance towards an inclusive world, exploring many compelling thoughts on life, love, and gender with an ultimate hope for a society where no more lives are crushed or desire persecuted just because the majority does not “understand” it.
这部短片记录了来自印度南部地区一帮不同背景的人的一次旅行。他们乘卡车从科钦出发一路开往果阿邦又返程归来。他们这次漫长旅程的终点站是一个开放包容的世界,旅途中一行人探讨了许多关于生命、爱、和性别的话题。他们自始至终都抱有一个美好的愿景,希望终有 一日,人们不会因为主流大众的“不理解”而受到诛杀与迫害。
Physicality 《女儿身》
V. Ramanathan, India 印度, 2017
Krithika and Shireen are friends who strive for societal recognition of their preferred and lived gender. Shireen drives a taxi to support herself and nurses a dream to be a popular theater actress, while Krithika is focused in her ambition to become a police officer. Soon both of them realize that the society and people around them can’t think beyond the physicality of being a male and female.
Krithika与Shireen是一 对好朋友,两人都活在自己选择的性别下,并努力争取着社会的认可。Shireen开出租车为生,但一直怀着一个成为戏剧女演员的梦想。Krithika则野心勃勃地想要成为一名警察。但他们很快都认识到这个社会的眼光还仅仅停留在生理层面的“男人”和“女人”上。
Goddess 《女神》
Karishma Dube, India 印度 , 2016
Set in New Delhi, the narrative follows Tara, a feisty teenager dealing with the realities of being queer in contemporary India. When caught pursuing her attraction towards her household maid, she must suddenly define who she really is amidst severely classist and homophobic society.
影片故事发生在新德里,围绕着主角Tara展开; 一个生活在现代印度社会,需要时刻面对自身

The Fish Curry 《鱼咖喱》
Abhishek Verma, India 印度 , 2017
Lalit Ghosh, 28, decides to come out to his parents. He is in love with a man, his very own room partner, Ashutosh Gautam. He cooks his father’s favorite dish, the traditional fish curry (Maacher Jhol) with great effort. He serves it to his father and confronts his sexuality over the dinner table. Will Lalit’s dad love the delicious fish curry?
28岁的Lalit Ghosh决定向父母出柜。他爱上了他的室友Ashutosh Gautam。 他做了父亲最爱吃的咖喱鱼,端上餐桌,准备坦白自己的性取向。就在晚餐时候,他与父亲展开了就自身性向的争执。那么,父亲最终到底会不会喜欢这道美味的咖喱鱼呢?

Sisak 《无言的锡萨克》
Faraz Arif Ansari, 印度 India, 2017
Set in the fast-paced environment of the usually bustling Mumbai local train system, Sisak details a romance that develops slowly and intoxicatingly, nestled in the silences and quiet comforts of the end-of-day train journeys between two men.
Date and Time:
The Place Rooftop 汇上花园廊
5/F Rooftop, Bridge 8 Phase IV, 457 Jumen Rd.