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Screening and panel discussion with filmmakers

The SHQFF Short Film Competition, launched by Shanghai Queer Film Festival, strives to set up a platform to help Asian filmmakers, especially those from China, in promoting outstanding queer cinema. Additionally, this platform will use film to tell LGBTQ stories in order to reveal an abundance of queer Asian characters, encourage discussion on queer culture in the East, and represent the diversity of love and freedom. This year, we received 845 submissions by brilliant filmmakers from around the world. 15 have been selected for the festival’s program.
上海酷儿影展设置的“SHQFF短片竞赛单元”聚 焦“亚洲”,力图搭建起一个帮助亚洲,尤其是中国 影人展示优秀酷儿影视作品的平台。不仅如此,我 们希望通过电影讲述亚洲LGBTQ的故事,呈现更丰富的亚洲酷儿荧幕形象,探讨东方视野下的酷 儿文化,诠释更多元化的爱与自由的存在。今年,我们共收到了世界各地优秀影人的845部作品。 影展将展映15部入围影片。