25 Sept 2018
Gerontophilia 《恋老症》Screening
Nominee – Fedeora Award/Best Film (Venice Days)/Queer Lion, The 70th Venice International Film Festival

Bruce La Bruce
加拿大 Canada, 2013
118 min
第70届威尼斯电影节 欧洲电影联盟奖/威尼斯日最佳影片/酷儿金狮奖提名
Nominee – Fedeora Award/Best Film (Venice Days)/Queer Lion, The 70th Venice International Film Festival
18-year-old Lake discovers that he has an unusual attraction for the elderly. Fate lands him a job at an assisted-living facility where he develops an intimate relationship with Mr. Peabody. Upon discovering that the clients are being over-medicated to make them more manageable, Lake weans Mr. Peabody off his medication and helps him escape, resulting in a road trip that deepens their bond.
Time: 20:00