一位跨儿女孩,一个夜猫子,一 位陷入悲伤的失恋女孩,外加一个神秘的外星人。4位不同寻常的主角登上舞台,他们将讲述一段奇妙的故事……
This movie tells the wonderful story of four unconventional characters: a queer girl, a party animal, a girl deeply affected by a painful breakup and - last but not least - a mysterious alien …
2019年第69届柏林电影节,由阿根廷导演Santiago Loza指导的《绿色星球简史》夺得泰迪熊最佳剧情长片奖。和《再见 南屏晚钟》里的邪教、同妻、两代代沟元素相比较,《绿色星球简史》讲述的显然不是一个“接地气”的酷儿故事,其浓烈的悬疑元素也一步步将观众引入未知的结局。
Brief Story from the Green Planet, directed by the Argentine film director SANTIAGO Loza, won the Teddy Award for best LGBTQ-themed feature movie at the 2019 Berlin International Film Festival. Compared with elements presented in A Dog barking at the Moon, like the concept of cult, gay men’s wife (tongqi) and intergenerational misunderstandings, Brief Story from the Green Planet is a less ‘down-to-earth’ queer film, portraying situations outside the scope of our daily lives. Brace yourself for this unexpected thriller!
Curious to discover what happens and how the story ends? Join us!
We are delighted to showcase this wonderful film at our upcoming Spring Special Screening, in 2019.
*First awarded in 1987, the “Teddy Award“ honors films dealing with LGBT related topics. It is considered as one of the most influential queer films awards of the world.
Introduction to Brief Story from the Green Planet
The story starts with a group of three friends: Tania, a trans girl performing in nightclubs in Buenos Aires; Pedro, a young creature of the night making a living as a voguing dancer and Daniela who works as a waitress and is overwhelmed with melancholia since a painful breakup. After an unexpected encounter with an alien, the three close friends are given the mission to send this mysterious creature back to where it came from. However, the task is arduous, and the protagonists will be confronted with a difficult dilemma. What decision will they make? Will they accomplish their mission before it’s too late?
Tania, Pedro和Daniela是亲密的朋友。一天,Tania得知自己的祖母去世,决定带着两位朋友回家打理祖母留下的遗产,但他们却意外发现,陪伴祖母度过最后一段时光的,竟然是一位外星人。
When Tania receives the news that her grandmother passed away, she returns to her hometown, accompanied by her two friends, Pedro and Daniela, in the house she has inherited. Much to her surprise, she finds out that an Alien took care of her grandmother during her last years, keeping her company.
Her grandmother’s last will is that Tania returns the creature to the place it first appeared. Tania, Pedro and Daniela begin a quest for this unknown place. However, the journey gets tougher when Tania’s health starts to deteriorate. To return the alien on time and save Tania, the three travelling companions will need to overcome their fears and demonstrate genuine friendship.
Santiago Loza于1971年出生于阿根廷科尔多瓦。他是一名导演、剧作家和作家,曾就读于阿根廷国立电影学院和市立戏剧艺术学院。代表作有:《异乡人》《肉体的发明》《马兰波舞者,一个好人》等。其作品参与了许多电影节,也获得了多项阿根廷及国际奖项。
SANTIAGO Loza was born in 1971, in Córdoba, Argentina. Director, Playwright and Writer. He studied at the Cinema School of the National Institute of Cinematography and at the Municipal School of Dramatic Art. His magnum opus includes:STRANGER, THE INVENTION OF FLESH, MALAMBO,THE GOOD MAN. His films have appeared in numerous festivals, obtaining multiple national and international awards.
Date & Time:
1/F, 658 Dapu Lu Near Longhua Dong Lu